Wednesday, February 2, 2011

annual siren testing day

adı şaka gibi olsa da kendisi kabus gibi bi gün. tam da ders erken bitmiş, 3 saatte kesmek zorunda kaldığım uykuma devam edicem sevinciyle eve gelmişim, fantastik sesler sirenler... tam da kiliseden kurtuldum diyordum oysa ki, yağmurdan kaçarken doluya ttulmak gibi, tüm gün sürmese bari

gerçi bu sesi duyunca benim dışarı çıkasım gelmez, evlerinizden çıkmayın sireni mi acaba bu...
The annual siren test takes place in Switzerland on the first Wednesday of February. It is organised by the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) in cooperation with the cantons, communes and dam operators. At this time, not only general alert sirens but also water alert sirens are tested to see if they are in working order. People are given advance notice about the siren test on television broadcasts as well as in the newspapers. The siren tests do not require the population to take any special measures.

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